Sunday, May 17, 2009


Well, college is out for the summer! According to Jenzabar, I've got all A's and B's for a 3.2045 GPA! YAY!!!

As for classes for next semester, I'm taking
TR 8 AM Equine Health Management
TR 1 PM Intro to Training the Horse
R Night Entreprenuership/Small Business Management
MWF 2 PM Foundations of Sustainability
MW 4 PM Woman Writers: Middle Ages and Renissance

We remade the top of my Xena costume in the last few weekends. It is AWESOMEFUL!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


The crazy college kids are making cloaks. Ih, you've heard Roh, we're making cloaks.

Roh's roommate's cloak is going to have tiger fabric on the outside and green lining, the second member of the groups is a greyish black velvet, with black lining, and Roh's is green velvet with purple lining!

We shall have lots of fun making them!

Friday, October 31, 2008


Ih, 'tis Halloween!
Roh and two friends have dressed up as characters from the show Xena: Warrior Princess. Just 'cause we like to dress up!

We went to the Ren Faire here in PA a few weeks ago and we had a TON of fun. We made it a college trip, that's why I'm mentioning it here, I'll do a more in-depth post 'bout it on The Musings of a Roh later.

Had a presentation to do today with two other girls, it went really well, and I'm getting ready to turn in the rough draft of a paper on Anna Sewell's Black Beauty.

Well, time for lunch, sorry for the short, delayed post, college ish busy! :D

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sorry for the delayed post... :D

Heh, I've been intending to post for a while now, but I've been really busy.... so I finally got around to it now... :D

The reasons behind not posting, in no particular order (('cept maybe chronological...))
the last three weekends ((discounting the one just over)) Roh went home for horse shows. I'll talk more 'bout those in a post on The Musings of a Roh at a later date.
Then, last week was Sarah Wilson Week! *cue confetti*

Basically, 'tis a bunch of stuff that goes on. We get clues from our Big Sisters ((Juniors who will show us the ropes)) and our Sophomore buddies. We get dinked ((long story)) we get kidnapped, multiple times, we dressed like ninjas (pirates if you're an odd), have Color Wars, have Song Wars, Banner Stealing, and all sorts of fun stuff! The one night we were kidnapped by our Big Sisters and taken to Sarah Wilson's grave, where we sang the Alma Mater.
Roh Loves her Big Sister! And she Loves being an EVEN!!!!! EVENS ARE AWSOMEFUL!!!!!!!

Roh also joined the Drill team and the Hunt Seat team. She's a riding member of both! Drill so far ish very fun! I rode a horse named Leo for the first practice and we got along really well, I hope to keep riding him.

Saturday was mostly spent at the barn doing work-study, which, while not necessarily all fun and games it was rewarding.
Sunday was spent volunteering at the Combined event at the Equestrian Center.

Been busy, exhausted, but happy!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Getting Settled

Well, Orientation week ish pretty much over. Registration ish on Monday!!

Roh had her riding exam today!! It felt SO good to be back on a horse, even though it hadn't been a week since Roh last rode...
Did some walk/trot/canter work in both directions, then did a bit of jumping. 'tis looking like Roh's going to be in the Advanced Classes. She was basically told she'd be bored in the Intermediate. :D

For FYS ((First Year Seminar)) everyone had to pick which of five topics they wanted to work on for their workshop class. Roh and the two girls she's been hanging out with most since getting here, all picked the same one without consulting. Even better, they all got their first choice which was The American Cowgirl.

Well, things are really starting to roll now!

Monday, August 18, 2008


Well, today was move-in day!! *confetti*
Roh's moved into college! She's writing this blog post from the desk in her dorm!
And, she has a whole room to herself for now. Wow.
Her room ish nice and airy, on a good side of the building, the harsh, afternoon sunlight doesn't come in through the windows. Right across from the showers as well.

This starts Orientation Week. So Roh should be quite busy. But she wanted to shoot all y'all an update before getting too busy.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


My mom and I went to a picnic on Sunday for those Wilson Women who live 'round here.
We had a TON of fun, met two or three other incoming freshmen. We shared some common interests. Roh's getting terribly excited!

Less than two weeks to go! I need to start packing... My clothes that ish... and the books that I want to bring with me...